Welcome to The Netherlands! Weelde Wonen is here to simplify your settling process. We are at your service when it comes to finding suitable accommodation that will help you and your family start your life in The Netherlands. We aim to provide an environment where everyone can feel at home, because your comfort and that of your family is of utmost importance to us.
We offer the following services, amongst others:
We are experts in the Dutch housing market. We possess our own folio of all kinds of houses and work closely with a number of real stators from our extensive network. Whether you are in the market for buying or leasing a house, Weelde Wonen is here for you!
Financial Services
A new country means a new set of rules! Weelde Wonen has a selection of experts on hand to help you with your taxes, mortgage and familiarise you with the rules and regulations of the Dutch marketplace.
Visas & Permits
Weelde Wonen assists expats who wish to work in The Netherlands with the acquisition of the necessary visas, living and working permits. We are able to help you with all immigration related affairs.
Settling Services
Have you just moved to The Netherlands and are in search of some support? We are here to guide you through the bureaucratic jungle of The Netherlands. We also provide our customers with extensive information about the area they are living in, and all local activities and facilities.
Schooling Services
The Dutch school system can seem baffling if you don’t speak Dutch. We are at the ready to support you in finding the right school for your children. Amongst others, our service offers explanations about the types of education, different streams such as Montessori or Dalont, entrance exams and draws for Universities. We make it easy for you!
Please call us on Skype :- Skypename: weeldewonen